
苏珊E. Farady J.D.

Associate Professor of Marine Affairs


Marine 科学 Center 220

Susan Farady is an Associate Professor of Marine Affairs at the University of New England in Biddeford, 缅因州. She teaches courses in interdisciplinary marine law and policy, oversees curriculum offerings, and researches ocean governance and 海洋空间规划 issues.

以前, she was the Director of the Marine Affairs Institute and the Rhode Island Sea Grant Legal Program, and adjunct faculty at the Roger Williams University School of Law. 以这种身份, she was responsible for the education, outreach and research programs of the Institute, including the joint degree program with the University of Rhode Island Department of Marine Affairs, activities with Rhode Island Sea Grant, and marine affairs curriculum and outreach activities at the School of Law. Ms. Farady has published and presented on marine microplastics, the National Marine Sanctuary Act and marine governance reform, fishery management and climate change, regularly presents on marine policy and law topics, and is co-author of a textbook, Marine and Coastal Law (3d.ed. 2022).

Prior to joining Roger Williams, she opened and directed the New England office of The Ocean Conservancy, where she worked on marine ecosystem conservation initiatives and ocean governance reform. Her other experience includes five years as a practicing attorney, positions in marine biology research, and four years as professional crew aboard sail training vessels and yachts. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in biology from the 科罗拉多大学, participated in the SEA (Sea 教育 Association) program, 接待她.D. 佛蒙特法学院毕业, and serves as an advisor to several government, 非营利性的, and academic bodies engaged in marine and environmental issues



B.A. 生物学

Board Certifications and Licenses

Admitted to bar in 缅因州, Massachusetts and Vermont



http://afspubs.onlinelibrary.威利.com/doi/abs/10.1002 / fsh.10263



Invited plenary presentation

Microplastics as a New, Ubiquitous Pollutant: Management and Consumer Issues, National Council for 科学 and the Environment 2020 Annual Conference: 科学 in Environmental Decision-Making, 华盛顿, D.C., S. 2020年1月,法拉第.

Reinventing an Interdisciplinary Marine Affairs Curriculum for the 21st Century, National Marine Educators Association Annual Conference, Durham, NH, July, 2019.

Vulnerability of Coupled Social-Ecological Systems Revealed in Case Study of Local Management of Soft-shell Clam Industry, Society for Integrative and Comparative 生物学 Annual Meeting Poster Session, Tampa, FL, C. 费伊,年代. Farady, M. 弗雷德里克,2019年1月.

Comparing Ocean Governance in the United States and Iceland:  Marine Spatial Planning in New England and the Westfjords, 缅因州-North大西洋 & Arctic 教育 Consortium, Collaborative Poster Showcase, So. 波特兰,缅因州,南卡罗来纳州. Farady, 2018年4月.

A New England Case Study:  The Brave New World of Ocean Planning, University of Florida School of Law, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, 盖恩斯维尔, FL, S. 法拉第,2016年2月.


海洋治理, fisheries management and climate change, marine plastic pollution, 海洋空间规划, National Marine Sanctuary Act.

